When I speak of love, I mean a formula of existence that appropriates the knowledge of mine, of your being, of infinite knowledge, going beyond a human plan, a formula of essential existence that is not explained in the world and that it only explains in me, God, master and father.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ The world can not do anything to you, it can not destroy this love between you and me, it can distort and deform only the reality that belongs to it.→ My sons , knock down your insecurities , every illusion and disappointment , destroy what causes pain , poverty and deception , free yourself from what hurts you, reflecting in silence that evil can not do anything because I am the only , immortal and indestructible certainty .→ Get rid of what torments you or makes you fall , because everything is supported by this love , I am the eternal rock , the pillar , the primary column and nothing can hurt you or fall you down.→ Do not be afraid , the world can not do anything to you.→ If you don 't let it, the world can 't do anything to you or possess you.
→ What is relative , the world is temporary , deceptive , intentionally false , it must be understood for what it is , it must not be loved , desired , overestimated , it must be let go , it must be seen as non-existent , illusory and not feared .
Relative arguments