I'm here for everyone and I love everyone.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → I love you, don't get away from me, don't neglect me.
- → Without me, you lose yourself, the world drags you into its illusion, it robs you of the truth, of your eternal identity.
- → I always love you, but when you're unconscious you forget and lose yourself and me.
- → If you take your attention away from me, you remain my son, but you forget it and suffer the illusions of the world.
- → If I am lovingly present in your consciousness, you know who you are and the world is not a problem for you.
- → Operate, act, think and love always with love.
- → The world, the whole cosmos, works to separate us with its illusion, but can not win our love, if you do not allow it.
- → Keep in mind, remember, announce that I am alive, present, that I love every man like a child, similar, close, that the world is different, hostile, that he who ignores this truth believes that he belongs to the world, supports the work of world, hinders knowledge and love.
- → To correspond with me you must actively counteract the deception that the world always operates.
Relative arguments