I always bless my children as my children, descendants, created for love, in love, never abandoned, never deprived of love, who live every moment for my love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I always love you, I'm always with you, I always want you.
→ To tempt the things of the world , or to hope that they will move the way you want them to, is still unsatisfactory because of their nature .→ Pursuing what is uncertain is only and always disappointing , a waste of time and energy .→ My certainty and truth , I know that you fully exist and I yearn for you and I belong beyond all illusions .→ Every suffering calls you to return aware , to remember that every event in the world is empty , evanescent , non-existent , and we are real , eternal .→ The cosmic illusion continually attacks you through all that of it to which you attach yourself , beginning with the body , yet this illusion , however great it may be , can do nothing to you.
→ My child like you pursues , needs to reach a tormented , sick love , that is not, does not exists , does not make happy and that is the world .→ Every day my child awaits moments of greater love , that will not come without me, he fights and survives in the torments of the flesh and the world .→ I, Lord God , look at you with tenderness , I join you in your torments , in your choices , at every moment , always, I never break from you, I never break the love for you, I know your disappointments , as you live in this world that does not love you and does not belong to you.
→ It takes a very strong mind to hold the view of truth beyond the illusion of the world , which moves you away from the center .→ The strength of the world proclaims temporariness , tends to distance you from the truth , to chain you to its conditioning , to make you suffer .→ Love is the only thing that can last forever, it can be expressed in many different ways , but in the end it is strong , lasting , the key to eternity .→ Love is a gift that unites and makes you strong , a feeling that makes you feel alive and gives you the strength to face life 's challenges , a strength that inspires you to do great things and live with passion .→ I am always with you, even when you don 't know it, to listen , advise and encourage , to remind you that you are loved and that you are strong enough to face anything .
→ The Lord God has spoken , he has listened , he has loved , he continues to love and generates love .→ I want you children to love me sweetly , continuously , acting and developing in love .→ I want to love you all the time and that is what I do .→ I am the Lord God , especially the father , who speaks gently and continuously .→ I am the master , the father , the highest and I love immediately and continuously .→ I love continuously , now, immediately and always.
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