The world, the whole cosmos, works to separate us with its illusion, but can not win our love, if you do not allow it.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → You must mature the love you already have, reach my soul in silence, with love, not immediately, through experiences addressed to me and through a path, because you are imperfect.
- → Live victoriously, because you are victorious, because your victory is my victory, and I, father and God, am already victorious.
- → Do not be afraid to love, to live in love, to live for me, because the Lord comes with strength in your hearts, in your reason, and even in your reason for existence.
- → Believe in me, because I am the truth.
- → Happy you when your hearts palpitate for me, you acknowledge my majesty, my royalty, above all my sweetness of father and dad.
- → Happiness is love, harmony, light, knowledge, justice, truth, purity, especially revelation of me and you.
- → My son can reach me through my presence, silence, abandonment, trust and especially love.
- → Victory is to acknowledge, to announce this bond between you and me, my fatherly love for you children, me as a father, you as children, especially the only union between me and you and absolute love.
Relative arguments