I am powerful, strong God, wisdom, intelligence, full joy, light, especially total, comprehensible love, I am your everything, supreme essence and knowledge.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I am the only one in love , in certainty , in joy , in peace , the immortal being , the only teacher , the only God , the absolute essence of perfection , who does not deceive you and will not deceive you.→ The dwelling is the home where my spirit moves in its great essence .→ Everything in me is never appearance , it is clarity , purity , true love , manifest essence , reached only in the love between you and me, possible , which is kept alive with trust and the abandonment of being children and having me for a father .→ I am the perfection , the essence , the full root , that plagues every son in love , that expands and spreads to each son .
→ Dedicating oneself to me, looking out to love , is the goal , the achievement that every man is deluding to find where it does not exist , in dark visible , in what is absolute void , incomprehension , inconsistency , ignorance .→ My children who are not yet completely in the light , who see little light , climb , wander around the world in search of light , love , are in search of themselves , of me, of the meaning of their existence and life .→ What is relative , the world is temporary , deceptive , intentionally false , it must be understood for what it is , it must not be loved , desired , overestimated , it must be let go , it must be seen as non-existent , illusory and not feared .→ I invite you to understand that you are not of this world , that I, God , exist , I am perfect , omnipotent , I love you, I have destined you to eternal joy in my world , with me, in full awareness of the truth .
Relative arguments